November 1, 2007

On The Road Again

Well, here we are on the road again for the next month. Our first visit was with Howard & Chris in Gallatin, TN. Although Howard had been to dialysis on Wed., he was doing very well while we were there and we had a wonderful visit. Working on a computer was my trademark travel contribution and I hope I helped speed up Howard's computer.

Tonight we are in Russellville, Arkansas and we will be in Turkey, Texas this weekend. During the next month we will spend a week in Santa Fe, a week at a condo in northern Colorado and a week in Iowa City. I will return home ready and rarin to go on the next trip.

I will add comments as we move along so you can keep track of us. This weekend we will watch cotten pickers and sweet potatoes.



John and Pat said...

Thanks for keeping us posted and enjoy your trip.

Debra Parrott said...

What are you going to watch the sweet potatoes do?

Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, we arrived in Turkey, Texas in time for dinner and we were blessed to watch the sweet taters disappear down our gullets. We are staying at a 50 yo farm house in the middle of a cotton farm. Tonight in keeping with my reputation, I set up a wireless network for our friends and I am posting from that connection. Did anyone find Turkey on the map? It is the home of Bob Wills who is the fellow who basically invented swing dancing. Tomorrow is a local jamboree we may attend. We saw about 6 turkeys today right in the middle of the road. For dinner we had turkey in Turkey.

Anonymous said...

Tom, George and I have you one beat. Last week we were looking out to our back yard and we saw 8 wild turkeys climbing over our fence. We watched them for a while as they headed across several lawns to the south. I guess you're never too old to see something new.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, it is late Saturday night and we just got back from a home-spun jamboree at the theater in downtown Turkey, which is the home of Bob Wills. It was a wonderful evening. One family of 5 children played for a half hour. The oldest was 15 and the youngest was 6. The little one played Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on the fiddle. We started the evening with a hamburger supper put on by the local Lions club.

This morning we drove in a 4WD truck (yes, David, it was a Ram) around the cotton fields and through the brush. We also watched the crop duster plane spray the cotton to kill the plant so the cotton can be picked.

BTW, we talk funny down here. We leave in the morning for Santa Fe and will be staying with cousin Alden.


June Mierau (Peter), d/Mary (Walker)Henkler, gd/H Ray said...

We see/hear wild turkeys all the time here in Alamo, CA They and the wild pigs bother the "rich folks" something awful because they dig up and mess on their beautiful lawns.

Tom W son of Robert said...

We arrived in Santa Fe on Sunday evening from Texas. My sister Bev is headed home from Virginia and we met up with her for supper along with cousin Alden. Today Bev headed home and Robin & I visited friends in ABQ. Yes, I worked on a computer there. The weather here is beautiful! We had a wonderful lunch of real NM food! We will be back to ABQ tomorrow to visit other friends. On Wed. we will be off to visit the lab at Los Alamos.

Tom W son of Robert said...

We drove to Colorado today with our friends from Los Alamos and it was a wonderful drive. We are in a beautiful condo this evening high in the mtns. We have a 6 person hot tub in the M br. Our friends have a new Tahoe and we are going to go exploring tomorrow. There is snow here already and the pass over Rocky MTN NP is closed already.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Well, we did our exploring on a snow covered mountain dirt road. It was CR4 near Grandby if you want to look it up. Yes, the Tahoe was in 4WD to help keep us on the road. We saw a silver fox on the road! On Monday it snowed off and on but it did not amount to much where we were. We shopped in the snow and then went to an outdoor hot springs. Our friends left this morning to return to the "W" word and we vegged. The view from our window is a beautiful view of the mountains. On Wed. the ski hill at Winter Park will open. This condo has high vaulted ceilings and a fireplace. We are really spoiled with the hot tub.

Tom W son of Robert said...

Robin and I are now alone at our condo. We worked on our NZ trip on Tuesday. On Wed. we drove to near Boulder, Co. where we visited friends we knew at Los Alamos. Jim is now working for NREL which is the National Renewable Energy Lab. Jim is the director of the section of biofuels and PV panels. It was very interesting talking to him about his work. He also explained about the A1C test for diabetis. It measures the % of glycosylated lysines in hemoglobin. Now it makes sense to me.

We stayed overnight with our friends. They live in a big airy house at 8800' in the mountains. We drove through the old mining towns of Blackhawk and Central City which today have casinos. Oh, yes, Jim also taught me that switchgrass is the tall prarie grass which is way more effecient as a source of bio fuels. He is not optimistic about corn or sugar as a source of bio fuel. Algae shows some promise also, but scale up could be a serious problem.