November 17, 2007

Fresh Venison

For those of you who enjoyed the backstrap bbq at the reunion, I took a doe this morning. First deer of the season for me. Hopefully, there'll be a few more so I can bring some venny to the reunion next summer! No pictures on this one. Just an average doe...


Tom W son of Robert said...

You TOOK a doe??? I thought you were supposed to shoot it or something. How did you TAKE it? Walk up to it (you are a WALKER afterall) and tell it You are Mine? And then you TAKE it home??? Tee hee!

Perhaps in fact you actually used black powder, a bow or perhaps a high power rife or a shotgun.

We were in Rocky Mountain National Park this afternoon where we saw one herd of elk of about 200. Perhaps I could have taken one home had it agreed to get on my roof. Of course, they don't allow hunting, but if it comes willingly . . .

We are in North Platte, Neb. tonight and will be in Iowa City on Sunday night.

Dale Parrott said...

Our son Justin "took" his first ever deer a week or so ago. He was hunting by himself close to the camp where he works. That one deer will last his small family a long time. He also processed his first deer with only minimal help. It was an 8 point.

Steve Walker/S-John R/GS-H Ray said...

Way to go Justin!

Tom, I shot it with my shotgun at about 35 - 40 feet. I was at the top of a ridge overlooking a large depression. She came up a fence row and jumped the fence just below my blind.

So, by my reconing, she walked up to me and said I'm your's Mr. Walker!

Tee hee!

Alex Walker Herbs Grandson said...

Your not the only one thats been deer hunting this year, of course i didnt take a gun with me, i took my car and it came to me without even trying, alot less work if you ask me.

Alot more expensicve though too...