November 19, 2007

Another Walker Celeb!! Jack Walker hit the South Bend Tribune! 


Tom W son of Robert said...

WOW, great article Jack!! BTW, I have read "War & Peace" and "Crime & Punisment" and most of "The Idiot". I had an hour on the bus on the way home from school in high school.

My niece Sharon Rye is also well read in Russian literature. She also had some history courses in college from that period but I don't remember details.

John and Pat said...

Way to go Jack, It makes you feel good when you are recognized. It made me remember when I was recognized on the first page of a section in the South Bend Tribune. I have saved all the articles that have been published in various papers about me. Besure you save this one for future generations. It was a very good article.
John and Pat

Jack Walker said...

Well I was going to post the link but Barb beat me to it. Yes I will be keeping a copy. I thought the writer and editor did a great job. Also I was happy to mention the influence of my parents. Thanks for the comments.