October 15, 2012

Good news, Denny has been cleared of any strokes

From Doris...
Good news......Denny has been cleared of any strokes.....& diagnosed with inner ear inflammation causing extreme Vertigo. Treating with anivert. Dr. Wants him to stay over and see a physical Therapist for treatment regarding balance and how to treat Vertigo. So thanks to all for your love and concern for Denny and for me.

I am pooped out.

Will let you all know when we are allowed to escape. Love you all......and we just got a room assigned to Denny. Life is good& God is good

1 comment:

Elaine Sitz/gd Carl/d Dwight E said...

I'm glad to hear that it wasn't a stroke, but I know Vertigo is not easy. I'm sure Denny is itching to get "home"!

You both are in my thoughts and prayers.