August 9, 2011

Shirley's update frpm Ray

Hello Walker clan:

I have refrained from saying this before even though signs have indicated it all along...........there have been no malignancies or signs of cancer detected, either in the lungs or in the strange growth on Shirley's spinal cord.  As a result, steroid dosage is being reduced. A diverse menu of IV antibiotics continues in order to cover all possibilities of infection.

That's the good news.  The discouraging news is that we still don't have a diagnosis altho the Hematology doc is leaning toward one of the demyelinating (nervous system tissue destruction) diseases.  But he isn't being specific.

Shirley continues to be bed-fast and immobile. Her vital signs are mostly within desirable ranges or very close to that.  She communicates mostly with smiles and yes or no head movements altho when she really wants something, she says it very clearly and distinctly.

Family members visited over the weekend.   Thanks to all.

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