July 17, 2011

Shirley Rickert - Background Update

I am posting this e-mail that was written by Christina Rickert.
Hi, I'm Ray and Shirley Rickert's daughter-in-law.  Ray asked me to contact you all to let you know that Shirley is in the Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis and scheduled for surgery tomorrow evening.
Here's a summary of the past to bring you up to speed:
Over the past several months there has been a noticeable decrease in Mom Rickert's health.  She began having balance issues as well as some cognitive problems.   Until this week doctors believed that it might be something similar to Parkinson's.  Then in the last few weeks, her balance worsened to the point that she started falling.  Last weekend she fell 4 times in a 48 hours.  She also began to complain more about pain in her neck.  Last Sunday the pain got to the point that Mom called her doctor and asked to be admitted to Regional.  Thankfully several MRI's were ordered in an effort to find the source of the pain.  Tuesday's test results showed that there was a tumor in the spine of her neck.  Wednesday she was transported to Indianapolis.  Additional tests were run and the physicians found another mass (1.5 cm x 1 cm) in her left lung.  The two spots may or may not be related.  The surgeons will not know until they get in and send samples to the lab.  Although the lung is of concern, the physicians all agree that the tumor in her spine is of top priority.
Mom knows what is going on and has been informed of the risks involved.  She is understandably nervous and has stated she doesn't want any complications.  None of us do, of course.  We feel very confident in the abilities of the neurosurgeons here.  We've been told that they are one of the best in the nation and have even been featured on CNN and Oprah.  
If you would like to visit, call or send a card, here is her contact information:
Shirley Rickert, Room 5101
The Methodist Hospital
1701 Senate Boulevard
Indianapolis, IN  46202 
The direct number to her room is 317-962-7121.
Above all, your prayers would be so appreciated during this time.  If you feel there are other family or friends that would desire to stay informed, please feel free to forward this information on to them.  Thank you!

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