February 1, 2011

Unasembled snowmen for sale, CHEAP!

And so it begins.......
These photos were taken from our garage looking out at our driveway at around 7:00 p.m. this evening. This was the first, smaller portion of the storm. They said on the news that the storm would take a bit of a rest and then really let loose. This was during the "rest". Hmmm.......


Tom W son of Robert said...

We are having our problems here in Florida. It was over 80 today!! We are so hot it is hard to sleep. And what is worse, we can't find anybody who will feel sorry for us. We are really suffering here.

Dani said...

I didn't think it was that bad and then I looked out side and realized that there wasn't a street anymore... its at least two feet deep at my house... all the path ways are gone... however there is like no snow on top of my car... which makes the whole thing quite deceiving.

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

I have a 4 foot drift across the front walk. At least I don't have a hefty sunscreen bill like Tom does.

David A Walker said...

Tom, I always remember how much you love the cooler weather. In fact you normally do not like to travel in the heat.....then you run as fast as you can to get away from the colder climate during the winter months. Now I am confused!

Jim Marks said...

I got some of this white stuff but it did not come with a warranty.