January 1, 2011

Missing Cousin

OK, so here is the missing picture from the graduation in 1983. Did anyone guess who went on that trip? It was a spectacular week! My first visit to DC.

Well, Robin & I are off to Florida this coming week. We'll be back in February.


1 comment:

Joanne Irons /Daughter of Raleigh Walker said...

I guess I'm the cousin in question who was on the trip east in 1983. What a great opportunity to attend all the graduation celebrations. Sure brough back a lot of happy memories. Glad I had the chance to go with Don and Iris.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. We enjoyed having Iris and Jack spend Christmas day with us. Also enjoyed celebrating Christmas with the Allspaws and meeting Ethan for the first time last week.

Everyone have a good winter and stay warm.