November 13, 2010

Travels with Tom

John and I traveled to Wisconsin with Tom last week for a week of sight seeing.  When not out and about this is what occupied our time...


Dani said...

5 computers??? Really??

Alex Walker Herbs Grandson said...

And you expected?

Antparrott said...

So if I tell you about my 12Mbs Internet,would THAT convince you to come, Dad? :P

Tom W son of Robert said...

We didn't have enough computer power, but we made do. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Wait a minute, that was last month.

John and Pat said...

Looks like a stageing event to me.
I still don't know how Dale got seated so fast.
Look at those drinks. My little diet 7up and all that pepsi and mountain dew.
You notice I was the only one with 2 computers in front of me.

Dani said...

Dale has two computers... look closely to his right hand... right there is a another keyboard...

Tom W son of Robert said...

See what I have to put up with??? Everyone else gets 2 computers and I only get one. I think these guys are a bad influence on me!! And look at that small spot they left for me to eat!

Anonymous said...

Tom you one had one when the picture was taken and who's computer is next to grandpa? cant wait to see you grandpa

Elaine Sitz/gd Carl/d Dwight E said...

If you'd hold that buffalo at bay, you might have 2!