October 13, 2010


Hello All! 
It's been a long time since I posted, but I have been keeping track on the blog.
The tall girl in the picture is indeed Susie, my sister.  She was in a baton
twirling Group that put on different shows and met in competitions, and this
is one of her costumes!  The baby is,,,,,,,,,little Stevie!
Uncle Johnnie,,,You win!!  The homely, chubby one in the middle is,
(alas,,,ME)!  Did anyone ever notice how much the Garfield family liked to
eat?  HAAAA!!  The picture was taken in the front yard of Grandma
Grace & Grandpa H. Ray's house on Northside Blvd in South Bend.
Oh, I also forgot to mention,,missing from the picture
because they had not arrived on the scene yet,,,
are Colleen, David, Bruce, Greg and Brian.

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