May 25, 2010

Civil War Event

This is a picture of cousins from about 20 years ago. Who can recognize them? I am currently in NE Georgia at Sky Valley above Dillard at a condo for the week. This Saturday I will drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway up to Virginia.


Ryan Greene said...

Wow...The Allens are so young!

David A Walker said...

I know Bill and Carol and their young children.

John and Pat said...

I think it is the Allens too. What was the event?

Carol, daughter of Robert said...

Wow! That takes me back a few years.

John, we had this taken one Christmas back when we did civil war re-enacting. We had a civil war re-enactment about once a month somewhere in California. Bill and Brian were in the 3rd U.S. Artillery using Bill's canon (which we are now using as a lawn ornament). Cindy and I would be in the camp area doing crochet or other demos for the spectators. We had a lot of happy times doing that together.

Now we are busy with our granddaughter. We spent today at the Sacramento County Fair. Mae is doing her 4-H pygmy goat again this year. It was a good day except for the parking ticket I got from parking in the fire lane when we unloaded the goat. Guess maybe I should learn to read the signs before I go off and leave my car.
