November 30, 2009

Makenzie Update

Hi Everyone,
The girls and I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. We did have a wonderful dinner with my Mom's side of the family and then we were able to go to Michigan to see my late Uncle Don's family.
I'm writing today to ask for prayer for Makenzie. She has been suffering for a few weeks with pain in her stomach that they originally said was a urinary trach infection. When the pain didn't go away and she started a fever last Friday we went back to the ER. They did all the blood work again and added a Ultrasound and CT scan. They believe she had Ovarian cyst that burst due to the test showing fluid in her stomach. While we were at Brian and Staci's over the weekend she spiked a high fever of 105 and we were not able to get it down all weekend. I was in contact with the ER, the Doc on call her her Doc, a family friend who is an ER Doc and the nurse of her family Doc. We took her in to see her Doc today with a 104 fever. She was tested in his office for Strep and that was negative. They are sending out the throat Culture. He saw some protein in her Urine and tenderness in her Liver. She was then sent to the Lab for more blood work. They are checking for Momo, and something to do with the Liver. We are now just waiting for the Doc to call with the results. Depending on the results he will send us to a Doc in South Bend who specializes in Infectious Disease.
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. As many of you know it's so very, very hard to see your child hurting.
Leslie, Makenzie and Morgan

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