November 7, 2009

big news from Mishawaka!

Mishawaka High School in Mishawaka, Indiana is one of the three high schools in Mishawaka. The other two are Penn High School and Marian high school, a catholic school. Mishawaka and Penn are the biggest rivalry schools in Indiana. Mishawaka played Penn five weeks ago, on October 2, 2009. Thousands of people were there, and there was standing room only, people were lined on the track and the stands were filled. Every year both high schools make certain shirts for this occasion (two of the four or five shirts will be in a picture below). We gathered on that first Friday night, in October, it was cold, and raining a bit, at Steele Stadium, at Mishawaka High School. Our Cavemen played one great game, and, for the first time in 29 years, Mishawaka came out in a win! Ending, Penn’s 153 conference games winning streak. The high school student section and the middle school sections were empty at about two minutes left in the game. They were on the track! We beat Penn 26-10.

That was five weeks ago.

New news from Mishawaka. Last night. November 6,2009. Mishawaka and Penn faced each other again for the sectional champion title. It was the best game I have ever been at. SO much energy, and again standing room only! Cavemen did an amazing job in the 1st half, but Penn came back, with even more game than before. Cavemen were down by 4 until the last quarter. 17-21. Then Cavemen came back and got a touchdown! Penn's kicker, the coach's son, went to kick a 39 yard field goal, to tie the score in the last 47 seconds.24-21 Their kicker, is amazing! He has kicked 50 times this season, never missed a field goal, or extra point. But last night, the Cavemen got lucky. Penn kicker kicked too far to the right, missing the field goal, not tying the game. Cavemen, let the clock run out not running anymore plays. and Cavemen beat their arch rivalry for the second time in 35 days, and being named sectional title champions.

We will host the regional champs, 11.13.09 at home, playing Merriville.

There was so much excitement!

Here are some pictures from both the games.
My friend Hannah, and I. with our shirts
*our blood runs maroon and white*
*mishawaka v. penn what is your profession? 10-02-09*
less than two minutes on the clock.
students on the track.

students and fans on the field
Final score.
October 2,2009
Morgan with MHS on her forehead.
and #16 on her cheek for my friend Andrew.

Final score.
sectional champs

On the field after winning the sectional champs!
Yes, I went on the field after this picture.



Anonymous said...

grandma was so happy when i told her that they won

Makenzie {d of Leslie Mick gd of Dennis Drake} said...

:) it was a great night! many people we excited!!

Craig/Son of Don Walker said...

I made it time for the 2nd half. What a great night!

Makenzie {d of Leslie Mick gd of Dennis Drake} said...

you came to the game?! ohh! i wish you would have called! i would have loved to see you! it was a great night, the 2nd half, i have to say, probabley was the best!

Doris Drake(wife of Dennis Drake) said...

Kenzie, What a awesome job of writing this football game article. I forget sometimes how much you have grown up. Grampy and I are so proud of you and Morgan. By the way did you make Morgan put Andrews #16 on her face? lol.......Grammy Drake

Dale Parrott said...

I don't know about my cousin Barb or my sister but just for the record... I'm not happy about this :(

Dale, Penn class of "74"

Doris Drake(wife of Dennis Drake) said...

get over oh okay maybe when we play cards again I will not beat you as bad as usual.....

Dale Parrott said...


Debra Parrott said...

Doris! Tell the truth!!!
Dale lets you win so you won't whine or cry about it near so much. We just can't take the boo-hewing!

Debra Parrott said...
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Makenzie {d of Leslie Mick gd of Dennis Drake} said...

Dale- ... not sure what to say to you.. except WE WON!!!! HAHA :)
Grammy- thank you :) and.. no, actually , Alexis Andrew's sister did it.. haha, it was a suprise to me.. but, Morgan and Alexis wrote it on me, and then Tammi, their mom, got a picture of me and Andrew together with it on my face... will get that to you.. when i get it. ha! :)