October 2, 2009

"Justin" Update

It's time for an update concerning Justin!
Decisions have been made, details are being worked out. A lot has happened since the original letter was sent on Sunday.
Monday Justin received a call from the California surgeon saying he had reviewed all the images and reports. He wants to go ahead with the surgery this next week. Justin and Lisa will fly to L.A. on Sunday and have appointments with several Dr.s on Monday, including an internist that will examine him and give the ok for surgery, concerning the rest of his health. On Tuesday he will be sedated and go through a 4-6 hour mapping procedure where they insert a guidewire, thread a canula over it, remove the wire, and then inject dye, making a 3D visual model of his anatomy. They use a million dollar machine for this. Impressive. Wednesday he undergoes the actual surgery...8 hrs or so.

We don't have air tickets yet, but are looking for options and hope to settle that today. I'm also working with someone in the L.A. area to try to secure housing for them (yet today). It looks like we have a borrowed car for them.

We are "plowing the field as though the harvest is already there," just as the Bible says in the old testament. God has already shown us that He is in this. He is a mighty God, worthy to be praised!
Some of you have been in contact with us, and I cannot thank you enough for the love we've been experiencing this week. My hope is that none of you will ever be in a situation like this, but if you are?..... I suggest that you reach out to the amazing people we have all around us. The gifts are crazy awesome, but the love is of another level! Everybody talks about the bad news in the world, but I want to shout from the rooftops all the bazillion reasons that our family and friends are the cream of the crop! When I was a little girl my Momma always told me I had a taste for the finer things in life. She was right! We just didn't realize it would be primarily applied to PEOPLE!!!
There will be further updates as things begin to happen. Meanwhile, pray, pray, and pray some more.
Love to all,
Debi Parrott

1 comment:

Elaine Sitz/gd Carl/d Dwight E said...

Depending upon what part of LA Justin's doctor and hospital are in, San Diego is only about 2-3 hours away. If after the surgery, when he's released from the hospital/rehab facility, they need to be somewhat near the doctor, my guest room is available.

I also still have a fair amount of Dad's medical equipment that Justin is welcome to borrow so he wouldn't need to rent or buy.

I have a wheelchair, wheeled walker, automatic pressure relief matress overlay, a raised automatic commode and maybe other things that I can't remember!

I'll be thinking about your family during this important week! If there is anything I can do, please let me know.