March 1, 2009

Here's my three

1) I wanted to be a nurse when I was little.
2) I was told in 4th grade that I couldn't carry a tune.
3) I am known for miles not to be trusted with a knife in my hand.


John and Pat said...

We will vote for numbers 1 and 3 as true.

Leslie Mick (d of Dennis Drake, gd of Mary Brunner) said...


Dani said...

2 is a lie...

Tom W son of Robert said...

It seems to me I recall you wanting to be something like a fashion designer, but I don't remember anything about a nurse.

But then, there was a time a very long time ago that I wanted to be an astronomer. But then I figured out early enough that they were not the ones that went to planets to explore them. For a short time, I wanted to be a fireman.

Leslie Mick (d of Dennis Drake, gd of Mary Brunner) said...

Not sure if I am s'posed to come clean yet but I guess I will...
Number 1 was the lie. I have never wanted to be a nurse. I went to college for Fashion Merchandising.
As for number 2, you don't want me to sing at all. It's really THAT bad!
Actually, I could say the same about #3. I really am THAT dangerous with a knife.

Take very good care